
I have a unique perspective of the world and people thanks to my disability, cerebral palsy.

As an educator for many years in the classroom, I realized the value of spreading disability awareness to students and teachers. In addition to teaching, I have experience with marketing, speaking, event planning, and writing.

My mission is to help others learn about disabilities in various capacities.

My values include but are not limited to relationships, insightful conversations, self-development, and creativity.

I love to speak on the topic of disability in various types of spheres (education, churches, sports, business, and relationships). My TEDx talk has been viewed over 35k times.

To learn more about me, please check out my podcast called "Off The Crutch Podcast" where I share my experience living with a disability. Interested in being on my podcast? Messages are welcome.

Please e-mail me if I can be of assistance to you!